Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee

Advisors to the board on projects funded by the STIF

The Salem Area Mass Transit District Board of Directors formed the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee (“STIFAC”) pursuant to Oregon law for the purpose of advising and assisting the District in carrying out the purposes of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (“STIF”). The STIF was created with the passage of House Bill 2017 in the 2017 Legislative Session.

2025-2027 STIF Formula applications are now open. Applications are due October 25th, 2024. Additional information about the application process can be found in the 2025-27 Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Program Application Instructions.

The STIF Formula 2025-2027 subrecipient application can be found here.

Who is eligible to apply?

Subrecipients are eligible to receive STIF Formula funding through their Qualified Entity* by submitting project proposals for consideration by the Qualified Entity’s STIFAC. Subrecipients may be Public Transportation Service Providers, which are defined in the STIF Administrative rules to include cities, counties, special districts, intergovernmental entities, or any other political subdivision or municipal or public corporation that provides public transportation services.

However, it is not required that an entity be a Public Transportation Service Provider to be eligible to receive STIF Formula funding as a subrecipient. Other potential subrecipients include but are not limited to nonprofits, private for-profits, or public entities.

*A Qualified Entity is one of the following: 1) a county in which no part of a Mass Transit District or Transportation District exists, 2) a Mass Transit District, 3) a Transportation District, or 4) an Indian Tribe. Salem Area Mass Transit District (SAMTD) is the Mass Transit District in Marion and Polk Counties and therefore serves as the Qualified Entity for these counties.

Explore meeting agendas and minutes, obtain details on upcoming meetings, and access current committee rosters by visiting the Public Meetings and Notice page.

Public Notices

Public Notice - Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Funds Available - 2024-09-27

Español: Public Notice - Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Funds Available - 2024-09-27

Public Notice - 2025-2027 Section 5310 Formula Funds Available - 2024-09-27

Español: Public Notice - 2025-2027 Section 5310 Formula Funds Available - 2024-09-27

Agendas and Minutes

STIFAC Agendas and Minutes Archive

Board Resolutions

Approval of STIF Formula Funding Recommendations

Approval of Federal Section 5310 Grant Funding Recommendations

Committee Roster


Committee Bylaws


Get Involved

Are you interested in public service and getting more involved with your community? Consider applying to be a member of the Salem Area Mass Transit District's Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee. You are highly encouraged to apply if you represent any of the following:

• Paratransit user
• Recreational/bike/pedestrian advocate
• Social services agency representative
• Medical community/care provider
• Chambers of commerce/business economic development organization
• Major employer (over 100 employees)
• School district representative/educational community
• Ethnic community member
• Youth leader (between 16-24 years of age)


Please complete the application below. If you encounter any difficulty completing the application form below, kindly download it from this link, complete the required fields, and promptly return the form via email or mail to the contact provided on the application. 

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