Cherriots staff selected Cumming Management Group Inc., to help develop the plan. The firm will work with Cherriots staff to develop a comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CAP) focused on greenhouse gas reduction and environmental impacts. Below is a summary of the different phases of the project. The current phase is denoted by "♦":
♦ Phase 1 - Baseline Conditions Assessment
We will conduct extensive research on agency-wide and regional policy, plans, programs, technical resources. The goal here is to determine how we are doing compared to statewide goals and best practices, so that we can set realistic targets and establish effective strategies to improve.
Phase 2 - Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy Development
Based on the findings of the existing conditions assessment (Phase 1), Cummings Group will develop a menu of strategies for us to choose from that are best suited to help us mitigate and adapt our environmental impacts. A significant driver of the strategy development will be community and stakeholder feedback. Key priorities include:
- Reduce climate harms to frontline and marginalized communities
- Greatest emissions reduction and climate risk reduction at the lowest financial and resource cost
- Alignment with our other strategic plans and initiatives
Phase 3 - Draft and Final Climate Action Plan
All collected data, objectives, and selected strategies will be synthesized into a draft Climate Action Plan. The draft will be circulated to the community and numerous stakeholders for review. All feedback will be integrated into a final Climate Action Plan for adoption by the Cherriots Board of Directors.
All Phases - Community and Stakeholder Engagement
Feedback from the community and relevant stakeholders in the region is integral to the success of the project. As such, opportunities for the community and stakeholders will exist in every phase of the project, including public workshops, as well as a 30-day public comment period on a public draft of the Climate Action Plan.