
Funding transportation projects

Cherriots administers three grants for transportation projects in Marion and Polk Counties. Funding comes from three different sources: the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF), the State Special Transportation Fund (STF), and Federal Section 5310 funds passed through the Oregon Department of Transportation (5310 (ODOT)). Cherriots is the STF Agency for Marion and Polk Counties, and as such, the District screens the projects that go to ODOT and FTA for final approval. The application processes are documented in the Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan (The Coordinated Plan) and the Section 5310 Program Management Plan, dated March 2024. Details such as eligible applicants, eligible projects, and project selection criteria can be found in the application instructions when they become available. Click on the tabs below for details regarding each grant application.

STIF Grants

As of July 1, 2023 the Special Transportation Fund (STF) has been merged into the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) program. Consolidation of the STF and STIF public transportation funding programs was directed by Senate Bill 1601, which passed in the July 2020 First Special Session of the Oregon State Legislature. The purpose of this merger is to increase efficiency and funding reliability for public transportation providers throughout Oregon.

Additional information about this consolidation can be found on the Oregon Department of Transportation website.

The State of Oregon has established a Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (“STIF”) for the purpose of financing and enhancing public transportation programs as provided under ORS 184.751-184.766. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Rail and Public Transit Division administers the STIF program. Pursuant to State law, Salem Area Mass Transit District (“SAMTD” or “District”) is the designated Qualified Entity eligible to receive STIF Funds for Marion and Polk Counties. The SAMTD Board of Directors hereby establishes an advisory committee to advise and assist the Board of Directors with regard to the District’s STIF program within the two counties.

Additional information about the STIF program can be found on ODOT's STIF Program Overview.

Public Notice 2024 (English)

Public Notice 2024 (Espanol)